About Us

About Us

Our mission is to ensure boat enthusiast, brokers and manufacturers can successfully sell boats, jet skis, sailing boats or yachts online with our help either via our lead generation platform our online social media presence or using our networking skills within the market place.

Catering to a global marketplace we hope to be the first place you look when buying or selling a boat. We have collaborated with many boat builders, brokers and brands across the globe to put together a platform that is not just easy to use but is easily accessible, looks great, and uses AI technology to make sure your listing is seen.


The Nautical Exchange is truly passionate about sailing and boating and wants to be the one stop shop for all enthusiasts to buy and sell their vessels online.

We have over 35 years combined experience within the marine sector including the buying and selling of yachts and are passionate about what we have built.
We have account managers across the globe so we can cater all markets from UK, Europe, Dubai, Asia and the USA all ready to meet your needs


The Nautical Exchange offers the best solution for a fast and secure sale of your boat and is passionate to be the best in our marketplace and the most accessible online.

This is achieved by combining the global reach of The Nautical Exchange platform as well as being accessible and present on all social media platforms as well as having the expertise of the yacht brokers we work with.
With the introduction of the Elite Broker software, we want to be the central hub for all manufacturers, boat builders, brokers and brands as we can offer the full 360’ sales cycle. Our ad on CRM software means once we list your yacht and generate leads, the leads can be filtered into the CRM and matched with potential buyers making your sales cycle easier to manage. You can then arrange viewings, paperwork, DocuSign and invoicing all from using The Nautical Exchange.


As the customers you are always our main priority at The Nautical Exchange, and we won’t be satisfied until you are and will always tell you in advance of our plans and go the extra mile. We have a dedicated team of marketers, account managers, and web developers ready to support you in any way we can and are always happy to hear your views on how to improve and grow our platform.

Our Numbers


visitors per month


Live boat listings



A message from our CEO

“I have worked within the marine sector for over 25 years and have been involved with the buying and selling of super yachts and hospitality for most of this, more recently I got involved with the platform side of the industry and have been fortunate to work with many of my current competitors. From this I have always had a passion to bring to market a platform that listens to its customers and more importantly actually gets them interest for the boats they have for sale and trust me this is not an easy thing to achieve. We have a tried and tested formula involving years of networking, marketing and utilizing all social media channels globally to gain as much attention as we can online and attract an audience of boat enthusiast that actually want to buy and sell boats. More importantly to revolutionize the industry by trying channels that have not been used before, and this is why I am confident we can now offer you a platform you can trust”

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