Terms & Conditions

Advertising Terms and Conditions

  1. Website addresses may not be included in the content of free listings. Website addresses are accepted in paid basic, standard or featured advertisements only.
  2. An individual advertisement may be used to sell one individual vessel only. Once accepted for publication, the content of an advertisement may not be changed to present a different vessel to that initially submitted for publication.
  3. Bid4aBoat Ltd reserves the right to revise or reject for any reason at its sole discretion any advertising copy submitted.
  4. All advertising materials, including photographs, submitted by the advertiser become the property of Bid4aBoat Ltd and may not be reproduced from the Bid4aBoat website for use in other publications, websites, or any other medium without the written consent of Bid4aBoat Ltd
  5. Bid4aBoat Media’s liability for damages resulting from errors in any advertising that it publishes or from its failure to publish any advertisement that it has agreed to publish shall be limited to the amount it received in consideration for its agreement to publish the advertisement in question.
  6. The Advertiser shall keep confidential all usernames, passwords, security identification or encryption details relating to the Bid4aBoat service. User access details shall under no circumstances be shared with any third party.
  7. The Advertiser accepts all liability for the content of all advertising he or she submits for publication. Advertiser warrants to Bid4aBoat Ltd that advertising copy is true, that it is not libelous or defamatory, that it violates no rights of privacy, that it infringes no trademark, and that it complies with all applicable national and international laws and regulations. The Advertiser agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Bid4aBoat Ltd from all claims, demands, liabilities, suits, costs, or expenses, arising by reason of the publication of the Advertiser’s advertisement or breach of the foregoing warranty, whether such claims are well-grounded or not.
  8. Bid4aBoat Ltd may at any time remove any or all materials from the Bid4aBoat system which in Bid4aBoats opinion are illegal or have been placed on the Bid4aBoat servers in breach of these terms and conditions.
  9. Bid4aBoat Ltd may at any time vary the technical specifications of the service for operational reasons. From time to time, Bid4aBoat Ltd will require to carry out maintenance on its equipment and systems and shall use its reasonable endeavours to ensure that in doing so minimum disruption to service availability is caused.
  10. Bid4aBoat Ltd reserves the right to make modifications to service design, layouts and logic which in its sole discretion benefit the overall functionality and efficiency of the Bid4aBoat service.
  11. The Advertiser shall not upload to the Bid4aBoat system any files that are virus infected, corrupted or in any file format not explicitly stated as approved for upload.
  12. The Advertiser shall notify Bid4aBoat Ltd of any faults in the Bid4aBoat system as soon as the faults come to the Advertiser’s attention.
  13. Bid4aBoat does not monitor or control and shall not be responsible for the content of any messages delivered to the Advertiser through the Bid4aBoat service. The Advertiser is directly responsible for the publication of telephone, email and other personal contact details. The Advertiser agrees that the publication of this information is entirely at the Advertiser’s discretion.
  14. Neither party shall be required to perform any term or condition so long as such performance is delayed or prevented by force majeure, including acts of God, strikes, lockouts, material or labour restrictions by any government authority, civil riot, floods, and any other cause not reasonably within the control of the performing party and which, by due diligence, such party is unable, wholly or in part, to prevent or overcome.

2024 Bid4aBoat Ltd.

Enquiry for Terms and Conditions